
In this tab we present the main authors and contact person of each of the tools provided in the webpage.


The RENodeJSLab (Remote Easy Node Javascript Laboratory) software tool has been developed by the following researchers of the ISCAR group: J. Bermudez-Ortega, E. Besada Portas, J.M. de la Cruz and J.A. Lopez Orozco. The current examples have been developed by the same authors.

If you have any question regarding the tool you can contact either J. Bermudez-Ortega or E. Besada-Portas, J.A. Lopez-Orozco.


The EJS+TwinCAT software tool has been developed by the following professors of the ISCAR group: E. Besada Portas, J.M. de la Cruz and J.A. Lopez Orozco. The current examples have been developed by the same authors.

If you have any question regarding the tool you can contact either E. Besada Portas or J.A. Lopez-Orozco.


The USBLab hardware and software have been developed by : B. Andres Toro, E. Besada Portas, S. Cifuentes Cuesta, J.M. de la Cruz, J.M. Girón Sierra, J.A. Lopez Orozco and C. Roa Romero. The Matlab examples have been developed by S. Cifuentes and J.M. Girón Sierra to be used in the Laboratory of Automatation and Robotics, while the C and Simulink ones have been developed by B. Andrés Toro, E. Besada Portas, J.M de la Cruz and J.A. Lopez-Orozco to be used in the subjects of Digital Control and Control Systems.

If you have any question regarding the tool you can contact either E. Besada Portas, S. Cifuentes Cuesta or J.A. Lopez-Orozco.

Finally, it is worth noting that additional information of the USBLab can be found in the blinkingled webpage.