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International and European Projects

  • Network Enabled Cooperation System of Autonomous Vehicles (NECSAVE, 2013-2016)
    Funding: European Defence Agency (A-919-ESM1-GP.04)
    General objective: Development, testing and evaluation of tools and methodologies related to swarms of unmanned aerial and naval vehicles under the NEC philosophy.
    Particular objective: Development of a communication system for cooperation between heterogeneous autonomous marine vehicles.
  • Robot Fleets for Highly Effective Agriculture and Forestry Management
  • (RHEA, 2010-2014)
    Funding: PP7 Large Collaborative Project European Comission Theme 4 – NMP (Grant n. 245986)
    General objective: Development of an autonomous fleet of robots for the application of specific treatments in precision agriculture..
    Particular objective: Development of computer vision methods to identify corn crop lines n real time and precisely locate stands of weeds.
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  • Análisis de Imágenes para el Control de Robots Autónomos (2008-2011)
    Funding: Fondo de Cooperación Internscional en Ciencia y Tecnología UE-México (FONCICYT, Ref. 93829)
    Objective: Development of techniques based on computer vision for robotics autonomy purposes.
  • Automated digital fuel system design and simulation process
  • (SmartFuel ADSP, 2006-2011)
    Funding: Sexto programa marco de Union Europea (AST5-CT-2006-030798)
    General objective: Complete modelling of the fuel system of a helicopter, to validate distributed control of the fuel system.
    Particular objective: Development of an automatic code generation tool for control microprocessors and simulation environment.
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    National Research Projects

  • Digitization and control of cyanobacteria applied to the management of the quality of reservoirs, including water collection and purification systems (CYANOA, 2022-2025)
    Financiación: Proyectos en Colaboración Público-Privada (CPP2021-008579).
    Objetivo: Este proyecto competitivo de Colaboración Público-Privada (en el que participan investigadores de la UCM y de la UAM, y las empresas FACSA y Eurofins-IPROMA) tienen como objetivo digitalizar el proceso de gestión de la calidad y depuración de las aguas de consumo en las que aparecen cianobacterias .
    Objetivo específico: Desarrollo de una embarcaci\ón autónoma con sensores adecuados para detectar y localizar los blooms de cianobacterias.
  • Inspection and maintenance in harsh environments by multi-robot cooperation (INSERTION, 2022-2025)
    Funding: Knowledge Generation Projects. Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2021-127648OB-C33).
    Generic Objective: The objectives of this competitive project (where researchers from Universidad Pablo Olavide, Universidad Politéctica de Madrid and UCM colaborate) are the development of new techniques for perception, localisation and mapping in difficult environments; robust navigation and precise control of robots in complex environments; and robot-to-robot cooperation for complex scenarios..
    Specific Objective: Development of dynamic positioning and control techniques for unmanned maritime vehicles and of cooperation between vessels and drones.
  • Supervision and control of wind turbines (SuMariNeW 2022-2025)
    Funding: Knowledge Generation Projects. Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2021-123543OB-C21).
    Objective: This competitive project (where researchers from UCM University and the Basque Country collaborate) aims to develop new techniques for the control and supervision of turbines for marine energy generation .
  • Innovative IoT system oriented to the inclusion and improvement of the autonomy of visually impaired people (INNOVISION, 2022-2025)
    Funding: Knowledge Generation Projects. Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2021-125596OB-I00).
    Objective: This competitive project aims to develop an Internet of Things system that facilitates the inclusion and improves the autonomy of visually impaired people .
  • Beyond the use of digital technologies in cyanobacterial blooms: intelligent management of cyanobacteria using digital twins and edge computing (SMART-BLOOMS, 2022-2024)
    Funding: Ecological Transition and Digital Transition Projects. Ministry of Science and Innovation (TED2021-130123B-I00).
    Objective: This Ecological and Digital Transition competitive project (where researchers from the UCM and the UAM cooperte) aims to improve the digitization of the management process of cyanobacteria appearing in waterbodies y creating a digital twin of the whole system and using an IoT infrastructure with edge computing.
  • Monitorización Automática de Contaminantes en Aguas Embalsadas utilizando Biosensores y Vehículos Autónomos de Superficie (AMPBAS, 2019-2021)
    Funding: RETOS-INVESTIGACIÓN (RTI2018-098962-B-C21).
    Objective: Development of an automatic multi-boat system, equipped with biosensors to detect and alert on contamination by microorganisms in dammed water.
  • Análisis y control de un dispositivo flotante híbrido de energía eólica y marina (WINDWAVE, 2019-2021)
    Funding: RETOS-INVESTIGACIÓN (RTI2018-094902-B-C21).
    Objective:: Development of a hybrid system for the generation of marine energy, consisting of a floating platform to extract energy from waves and wind.
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  • Sistema autónomo para contención de vertidos en el mar
  • (SAVEMAR, 2014-2018)
    Funding: RETOS-COLABORACIóN (RTC-2014-2306-5)
    Empresas participantes: CEPSA, PETRONUBA
    General objective: Development of an autonomous system of surface marine vehicles (USVs) for early detection and containment of spills at sea.
    Particular objective: Development of sensorial (multi-spectral, thermal, radar, lasers, lidar) and control methods for: spill detection, autonomous navigation of USVs and dragging of anti-pollution barriers.
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  • Sistema Autónomo para la Localización y Actuación ante Contaminantes en el mar (SALACOM, 2014-2018)
  • Funding: RETOS-INVESTIGACIóN (DPI2013-46665-C2-1-R)
    Objective: Development of a rapid action system, formed by autonomous surface and aerial vehicles (USVs and UAVs), for the collection of spills. The USVs deploy and drag a containment net for the collection of spills, while the UAVs are in charge of locating the pollutant and informing the USVs.
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  • Desarrollo de Sistema Submarino Autónomo (AUV, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) para detección temprana de vertidos en líneas submarinas (2012-2015)
    Funding: Programa INNPACTO Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (IPT-2012-0157-310000)
    Empresas participantes: CEPSA, IXION
    General objective: Development of an AUV for the early detection of spills in submarine oil transport sea-lines.
    Particular objective: Development of sensorial techniques based on sonars, multi-spectral cameras and lasers for the detection and autonomous navigation of an AUV.
  • Sistema de vigilancia, búsqueda y rescate en el mar mediante colaboración de vehículos autónomos marinos y aóreos (2012-2013)
  • Funding: CICYT DPI2009-14552-C02-01
    Objective: Providing the control systems of autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs) with an additional level that allows coordinated and collaborative navigation of a group of ASVs for surveillance, search and recovery of substances or shipwrecks.
  • Sistema de Inspección Terrestre en Vehículos autónomos y su Aplicación efectiva a la Detección de Malas hierbas y su Control Localizado (GROW, 2012-2014)
  • Funding: CICYT AGL2011-30442-C02-02
    Colaboración: Centro de Automática y Robótica (CSIC-UPM)
    Objective: Development of a perception system based on RGB vision cameras for the detection and location of weeds in corn fields, and for their integration into the control and navigation system of autonomous agricultural vehicles.
  • Plataforma de Planificación, Simulación y Sistema de Vigilancia, Búsqueda y Rescate en el Mar mediante colaboración de Vehículos Autónomos Marinos y Aéreos (2010-2012)
  • Funding: CICYT DPI2009-14552-C02-01
    Objective: Development of a system formed by cooperating autonomous marine and aerial vehicles to carry out surveillance, search and recovery of substances or shipwrecks at sea.
  • Desarrollo de Métodos de Identificación de Texturas Naturales y su Localización Espacial mediante métodos de Visión Artificial (2009-2011)
  • Funding: CICYT AGL2008-04670-C03-02
    Colaboración: Centro de Automática y Robótica (CSIC-UPM)
    Objective: Development of computer vision methods for the identification and localization of natural textures in crop fields through a camera-based vision system operating in the visible spectrum.
  • Sistema de control coordinado para vehículos marinos (2008-2009)
  • Funding: Ciencia e Innovación CIT-370000-2008-8
    Objective:Development of the necessary control layers to achieve coordinated and collaborative navigation of a group of autonomous marine vehicles for different types of tasks.
  • Plataforma de planificación, simulación y control para la colaboración de múltiples vehículos autónomos marinos y aéreos (2006-2009)
  • Funding: CICYT DPI2006-15661-c02-01
    Objective: Application of the MDA (Model Driven Architecture) and DEVS (Discrete Event System Specification) approaches to analyze and evaluate missions with unmanned vehicles (UV).
  • Extracción de Conocimiento Espacio-Temporal y Visión Artificial para la Automatización de Tratamientos Localizados (2005-2008)
  • Funding: CICYT AGL2005-06180-C03-032
    Colaboración: Centro de Automática y Robótica (CSIC-UPM)
    Objective: Development of computer vision methods to identify and locate plant elements in crop fields for the application of selective treatments.

    Madrid Regional Projects

  • Hacia un sistema Integral para la Alerta y GEStión de BLOOMs de cianobacterias en aguas continentales
  • (AI-GES-BLOOM-CM, 2021-2024)
    Financiación: Comunidad de Madrid Y2020/TCS- 6420
    Objetivo: Development of an IoT system for early warning and efficient characterization of cyanobacteria blooms in dammed waters, using sensors embedded in ASVs guided by AI and Modeling \& Simulation techniques.
  • Control de Sistemas Complejos en la LOGÍstica y producción de bienes y servicios
  • (COSICOLOGI, 2006-2010)
    Funding: Comunidad de Madrid S-0505/DPI/0391
    Objective: Development of optimization methods for logistics planning purposes.


  • Planificación, optimización y control en sistemas con incertidumbre (POCOSIM, 2019-2020)
  • Funding: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Fondo Específico de Investigación
    Objective: Development of technologies and methods for the advanced processing of sensorial data, for mission planning and optimization of unmanned vehicle trajectories in environments with uncertainty, and for their distributed control.
  • Sensores Inteligentes (SENIN, 2018-2019)
  • Funding: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Fondo Específico de Investigación
    Objective: Development of sensorial technologies (RGB, thermal, multi-spectral, lead cameras) and advanced data processing methods (3D, deep-learning) for their integration in autonomous vehicles (UAVs, USVs, UGVs)