Journals 2024
G.A Andrade, S. Esteban, J.L Risco-Martín, J. Chacón, E. Besada-Portas
(2024). Modeling-and Simulation-Driven Methodology for the Deployment of an Inland Water Monitoring System. Information. Vol 15 (267), 22 pages
P. Arroba, R. Buyya, R. Cárdenas, J.L. Risco-Martín, J.M. Moya
(2021). Sustainable edge computing: Challenges and future directions. Software: Practice and Experience. Vol 2024), 25 pages
F. Barreno, M. Santos, M.G. Romana
(2024). Driving Behaviour Estimation System Considering the Effect of Road Geometry by Means of Deep NN and Hotelling Transform. Electronics.
F. Barrientos-Espillco, M.J. Gómez-Silva, E. Besada-Portas, G. Pajares
(2024). Integration of object detection and semantic segmentation based on Convolutional Neural Networks for navigation and monitoring of cyanobacterial blooms in lentic water scenes. Applied Soft Computer. Vol 163, 24 pages
E. Bayona, J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2024). Comparative Analysis of Metaheuristic Optimization Methods for Trajectory Generation of Automated Guided Vehicles. Electronics. Vol 13 (4), 25 pages
E. Bayona, J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos, I. Mariolis
(2024). In search of the best fitness function for optimum generation of trajectories for Automated Guided Vehicles. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Vol 133, 24 pages
P.A. Buestán-Andrade, M. Peñacoba-Yagüe, J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2024). Wind Power Forecasting with Machine Learning Algorithms in Low-Cost Devices. Electronics. Vol 13 (8), 24 pages
J. Chacón, G.A. Andrade, J.L. Risco-Martín, S. Esteban
(2024). A Bleeding Edge Web Application for Early Detection of Cyanobacterial Blooms. Electronics. Vol 13 (5), 22 pages
M. Ciesielkiewicz, C. Frances Bonilla, M. Santos
(2024). The impact of service learning supported by the ePortfolio on the development of professional competencies. Teaching Education. Vol 35 (3), 18 pages
S. Cuéllar, M. Santos, F. Alonso, E. Fabregas, G. Farias
(2024). Explainable anomaly detection in spacecraft telemetry. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Vol 133, 15 pages
A. García-Perez, M.J. Gomez-Silva, A. de la Escalera-Hueso
(2024). A Generative AI approach to improve in-situ vision tool wear monitoring with scarce data. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.
M. Guijarro, J. Bayon, D. Martín-Carabias, J. Recas
(2024). A multi-stage method for logo detection in scanned official documents based on image processing. Algoritthms. Vol 17 (4), 17 pages
C.I. López-González, E. Gascó, F. Barrientos-Espilco, E. Besada-Portas, G. Pajares
(2024). Analyzing and interpreting convolutional neural networks using latent space topology. Neurocomputing. Vol 593, 13 pages
C.I. López-González, E. Gascó, F. Barrientos-Espilco, E. Besada-Portas, G. Pajares
(2024). Filter pruning for convolutional neural networks in semantic image segmentation. Neural Networks. Vol 169, 713-732
C.I. López-González, M.J. Gómez-Silva, E. Besada-Portas, G. Pajares
(2024). Layer factor analysis in convolutional neural networks for explainability. Applied Soft Computing. Vol 150, 17 pages
E. Muñoz-Palomeque, J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2024). Técnicas de control inteligente para el seguimiento del punto de máxima potencia en turbinas eólicas. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. Vol 21 (3), 193-204
S. Pérez-Carabaza, E. Besada-Portas, J.A. López-Orozco
(2024). Minimizing the searching time of multiple targets in uncertain environments with multiple UAVs. Applied Soft Computing. Vol 155, 20 pages
E. Plaza, M. Santos
(2024). Management and intelligent control of in-flight fuel distribution in a commercial aircraft. Expert Systems. Vol 41 (6)
J.L. Risco-Martín, I.I. Prado-Rujas, J. Campoy, M.S. Pérez, K. Olcoz
(2024). Advanced simulation-based predictive modelling for solar irradiance sensor farms. Journal of Simiulation.
A. Sánchez-Rodríguez, E. Bayona, J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santo
(2024). Trajectory Tracking Nonlinear Hybrid Control of Automated Guided Vehicles
. Complexity. Vol 2024 (1), 23 pages
J.E. Sierra-Garcia, M. Santos
AGV fuzzy control optimized by genetic algorithms
. Logic Journal of the IGPL.
J.E. Sierra-Garcia, M. Santos
(2024). Combination of fuzzy control and reinforcement learning for wind turbine pitch control. Logic Journal of the IGPL.
J.E. Sierra-Garcia, M. Santos
(2024). Federated Discrete Reinforcement Learning for Automatic Guided Vehicle Control. Future Generation Computer Systems. Vol 150, 78-89
A. Viéitez, M. Santos, R. Naranjo
(2024). Machine learning Ethereum cryptocurrency prediction and knowledge-based investment strategies. Knowledge-Based Systems. Vol 299, 14 pages
Journals 2023
G. Aguilar Jiménez, A. de la Escalera Hueso, M.J. Gómez-Silva
(2023). Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Autonomous Mission Accomplishment by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Comparative View with DQN, SARSA and A2C. Sensors. Vol 23 (21)
F. Barrientos-Espillco, E. Gascó, C.I. López-González, M.J. Gómez-Silva, G. Pajares
(2023). Semantic segmentation based on Deep learning for the detection of Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms (CyanoHABs) using synthetic images. Applied Soft Computing.
C. Blanco, J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2023). Forecasting of wind turbine synthetic signals based on convolutional neural networks. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journa. Vol 21 (4), 22 pages
R. Cárdenas, P. Arroba, J.L. Risco-Martín, J.M. Moya
(2023). Modeling and simulation of smart grid-aware edge computing federations. Cluster Computing. Vol 26 (1), 719-743
F. Esquembre, J. Chacón, J. Saenz, J. Vega, S. Dormido-Canto
(2023). A programmable web platform for distributed access, analysis, and visualization of data. Fusion Engineering and Design.
D. Forero, S. Esteban, ó. Rodríguez-Polo
(2023). Framework to Emulate Spacecraft Orbital Positioning Using GNSS Hardware in the Loop. Sensors.
R. Fernandez-Fernandez, B. Lukawski, J.G. Victores, C. Pacchierotti
(2023). Transferring human emotions to robot motions using Neural Policy Style Transfer. Cognitive Systems Research. Vol 82
R. Fernandez-Fernandez, J.G. Victores, C. Balaguer
(2023). Deep robot sketching: an application of deep Q-learning networks for human-like sketching. Cognitive Systems Research. Vol 81,57-63
M.A. López-Romero, M. Santos Peñas
(2023). A Positive Position Feedback controller for vibration control of wind turbines. Energy Reports. Vol 9, 1342-1353
C. Moreno Martínez, J. Recas Piorno, J.J. Escribano Otero, M. Guijarro Mata-García
(2023). Responsive inclusive design (RiD): a new model for inclusive software development. Universal Access in the Information Society. Vol 23 (2), 893-902
E. Muñoz-Palomeque, J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2023). Wind turbine maximum power point tracking control based on unsupervised neural networks. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering. Vol 10 (1), 108-121
A.F. Ospina álvarez, M. Santos
(2023). Mechanical stability analysis of a DFIG floating offshore wind turbine using an oriented-control model. IEEE Latin America Transactions. Vol 21 (1), 91-97 pages
M. Peñacoba, J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos, I. Mariolis
(2023). Path Optimization Using Metaheuristic Techniques for a Surveillance Robot.
Applied Sciences. Vol 13 (20), 21 pages
R. Pandit, D. Astolfi, J. Hong, D. Infield, M. Santos
(2023). SCADA data for wind turbine data-driven condition/performance monitoring: A review on state-of-art, challenges and future trends. Wind Engineering. Vol 47 (2), 422-441
L. de la Torre, J. Chacón, J. Sánchez-Moreno, S. Dormido
(2023). An event-based adaptation of the relay feedback experiment for frequency response identification of stable processes. ISA transactions.
J.L. Risco-Martín, S. Esteban, J. Chacón, G. Carazo-Barbero, E. Besada-Portas, J.A. López-Orozco
(2023). Simulation-driven engineering for the management of harmful algal and cyanobacterial blooms. Simulation.
D.V. Rodrigo, J.E Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2023). Glasius bio-inspired neural networks based UV-C disinfection path planning improved by preventive deadlock processing algorithm. Advances in Engineering Software. Vol 165, 15 pages
D.V. Rodrigo, J.E. Sierra‐García, M. Santos
(2023). GBNN algorithm enhanced by movement planner for UV‐C disinfection. Expert Systems. Vol 40 (10), 26 pages
M. Serrano-Antoñanazas, J.E. Sierra-Garcia, M. Santos, M. Tomas-Rodríguez
(2023). Identification of Vibration Modes in Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. Vol 11 (10), 22 pages
J.E Sierra-García, V.Fernández-Rodríguez, M. Santos, E. Quevedo
(2023). Development and Experimental Validation of Control Algorithm for Person-Following Autonomous Robots. Electronics. Vol 12 (9), 34 pages
M. Vera, M.J. Gómez-Silva, V. Vera, C.I. López-González, I. Aliaga, E. Gascó, V. Vera-González, M. Pedrera-Canal, E. Besada-Portas, G. Pajares
(2023). Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Automatic Detection of Peri-implant Marginal Bone Remodeling in Intraoral Radiographs. Journal of Digital Imaging.
B. Zhou, Z. Zhang, G. Li, D. Yang, M. Santos
(2023). Review of Key Technologies for Offshore Floating Wind Power Generation. Energies. Vol 16 (2), 26 pages
Journals 2022
V. Aubin, M. Mora, M. Santos
(2022). A new approach for writer verification based on segments of handwritten graphemes. Logic Journal of the IGPL. Vol 30 (6), 965-978
J. Bordón-Ruiz, E. Besada-Portas, J.A. López-Orozco
(2022). Cloud DEVS-based computation of UAVs trajectories for search and rescue missions. Journal of Simulation.
F. Barreno, M. Santos, M.G.. Romana
(2022). A novel adaptive vehicle speed recommender fuzzy system for autonomous vehicles on conventional two‐lane roads. Expert Systems .
J. M. Carrera García, J.Recas Piorno, M. Guijarro Mata-García
(2022). Expert system design for vacant parking space location using automatic learning and artificial vision. Multimedia Tools and Applications. Vol 81, 38661-38683
R. Cárdenas, K. Henares, P. Arroba, J.L Risco-Martín, G.A. Wainer
(2022). The DEVStone metric: performance analysis of DEVS simulation engines. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS). Vol 32 (3), 20 pages
C. Guevara, M. Santos
(2022). Smart Patrolling Based on Spatial-Temporal Information Using Machine Learning. Mathematics. Vol 10 (22), 27 pages
J.Chacón Sombría, D. Goncalves López Medrano, E. Besada Portas, J.A. López-Orozco
(2022). Un laboratorio remoto de código abierto y bajo coste para el brazo robótico educativo Dobot Magician. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial.
J. Echeto, M. Santos, M.G. Romana
(2022). Automated vehicles in swarm configuration: Simulation and analysis. Neurocomputing. Vol 501, 679-693
J.A. García-Pulido, G, Pajares, S. Dormido
(2022). UAV Landing Platform Recognition Using Cognitive Computation Combining Geometric Analysis and Computer Vision Techniques. Cognitive Computation.
E. Muñoz-Palomeque, J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2022). Wind turbine MPPT control based on unsupervised neural networks. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering. Vol 10 (1), 108–121
R. Pandit, D. Infield, M. Santos
(2022). Accounting for environmental conditions in data-driven wind turbine power models. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.Vol 14 (1), 168-177
M. Rodríguez-Montes, B. Ayarzagüena, M. Guijarro
(2022). Polar night jet characterization through artificial intelligence. Computers & Geosciences.
M. Sacie, M. Santos, R. López, R. Pandit
(2022). Use of State-of-Art Machine Learning Technologies for Forecasting Offshore Wind Speed, Wave and Misalignment to Improve Wind Turbine Performance. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. Vol 10 (7), 18 pages
R. Sánchez-Martinez, J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2022). Performance and Extreme Conditions Analysis Based on Iterative Modelling Algorithm for Multi-Trailer AGVs. Mathematics. Vol 10 (24), 31 pages
R. Sanchez, J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2022). Modelado de un AGV híbrido triciclo-diferencial. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. Vol 19, 12 pages
C. Serrano, J.E. Sierra-Garcia, M.Santos
(2022). Hybrid Optimized Fuzzy Pitch Controller of a Floating Wind Turbine with Fatigue Analysis. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. Vol 10 (11), 18 pages
J.E. Sierra‐Garcia, M. Santos
(2022). Combining reinforcement learning and conventional control to improve automatic guided vehicles tracking of complex trajectories. Expert Systems.
J.E. Sierra-Garcia, M. Santos
(2022). Deep learning and fuzzy logic to implement a hybrid wind turbine pitch control. Neural Computing and Applications. Vol 34 (13), 10503-10517
J.E. Sierra-Garcia, M. Santos, R. Pandit
(2022). Wind turbine pitch reinforcement learning control improved by PID regulator and learning observer. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Vol 111, 13 pages
L. de la Torre, J. Chacon, D. Chaos, R. Heradio, R. Chandramouli
(2022). Using IoT-type metadata and smart web design to create user interfaces automatically. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
D. Villoslada, M. Santos, M. Tomás-Rodríguez
(2022). TMD stroke limiting influence on barge-type floating wind turbines. Ocean Engineering. Vol 248, 10 pages
Journals 2021
R. Cardenas, P. Arroba, J.L. Risco-Martín
(2021). Bringing AI to the edge: A formal M\&S specification to deploy effective IoT architectures. Journal of Simulation.
J. Chacón, E. Besada Portas, G. Carazo-Barbero, J.A. Lopez-Orozco
(2021). Enhancing EJsS with Extension Plugins. Electronics. Vol 10 (3), 22 pages
N.P.K. Chan, B. Jayawardhana, H. Garcia de Marina
(2021). Angle-Constrained Formation Control for Circular Mobile Robots. IEEE Control Systems Letters. Vol 5 (1), 109-114
L. Chen; H. Garcia de Marina; M. Cao
(2021). Maneuvering formations of mobile agents using designed mismatched angles. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol --- (--), 13 pages
L.J. Colombo, H. Garcia de Marina
(2021). Forced Variational Integrators for the Formation Control of Multi-Agent Systems. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. Vol --- (--), 12 pages
A. Galán-Lavado, M. Santos
(2021). Analysis of the Effects of the Location of Passive Control Devices on the Platform of a Floating Wind Turbine. Energies. Vol 14 (10), 22 pages
H. Garcia de Marina
(2021). Distributed formation maneuver control by manipulating the complex Laplacian. Automatica. Vol 132, 7 pages
Luis García-Terriza, J.L. Risco-Martín, G.Reig Roselló, J.L. Ayala
(2021). Predictive and diagnosis models of stroke from hemodynamic signal monitoring. Medical \& Biological Engineering \& Computing.
C. Guevara, M. Santos
(2022). Intelligent models for movement detection and physical evolution of patients with hip surgery. Logic Journal of the IGPL. Vol 29 (6), 874-888
A. Guisandez, M. Santos
(2021). Modelling and Experimental Validation of Aging Factors of Photovoltaic Solar Cells. IEEE Latin America Transactions. Vol 19 (8), 1270-1277
J.J. Kiam, E. Besada Portas, A. Schulte
(2021). Hierarchical Mission Planning with a GA-Optimizer for Unmanned High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites. Sensors. Vol 21 (5), 36 pages
P. Llamocca, V. López, M. Santos, M. Cukic
(2021). Personalized Characterization of Emotional States in Patients with Bipolar Disorder. Mathematics. Vol 9 (11), 18 pages
M. López Ibáñez, A. Romero-Hernández, B. Manero, M. Guijarro
(2021). Computer Entertainment Technologies for the Visually
Impaired: An Overview. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. 16 pages
R. Naranjo, M. Santos, L. Garmendia
(2021). A convolution-based distance measure for fuzzy singletons and its application in a pattern recognition problem. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. Vol 28 (1), 51-63
J.C. Rojas-Thomas, M. Santos
(2021). New internal clustering validation measure for contiguous arbitrary-shape clusters. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. Vol 36 (10), 5506-5529
J. Sáenz, L. de la Torre, J. Chacón, S. Dormido
(2021). A study of strategies for developing online laboratories. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. Vol 14 (6), 777-787
R. Sanchez, J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2021). Modelado de un AGV híbrido triciclo-diferencial. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. Vol 10 (3), 327 - 335
J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2021). Improving Wind Turbine Pitch Control by Effective Wind Neuro-Estimators. IEEE Access. Vol 9, 10413-10425
J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2021). Intelligent control of an UAV with a cable-suspended load using a neural network estimator. Expert Systems with Applications. Vol 183, 13 pages
J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2021). Lookup Table and Neural Network Hybrid Strategy for Wind Turbine Pitch Control. Sustainability. Vol 13 (6), 17 pages
J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2021). Redes neuronales y aprendizaje por refuerzo en el control de turbinas eólicas. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. Vol 18 (4), 22 pages
J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2021). Switched learning adaptive neuro-control strategy. Neurocomputing. Vol 452, 450-464
Z. Sun, H. Garcia de Marina, B.D.O. Anderson, C. Yu
(2021). Distributed formation maneuver control by manipulating the complex Laplacian. Journal of Guidance Control, and Dynamics. Vol 44 (2), 238-250
A. Tellaeche Iglesias, M.A. Campos Anaya, G. Pajares Martinsanz, I. Pastor-López
(2021). On Combining Convolutional Autoencoders and Support Vector Machines for Fault Detection in Industrial Textures. Sensors. Vol 21 (10), 20 pages
D.Villoslada, M. Santos, M. Tomás-Rodríguez
(2021). General Methodology for the Identification of Reduced Dynamic Models of Barge-Type Floating Wind Turbines. Energies. Vol 14 (13), 16 pages
Journals 2020
I. Aliaga, V. Vera, M. Vera, E. García, M. Pedrera, G. Pajares
(2020). Automatic computation of mandibular indices in dental panoramic radiographs for early osteoporosis detection. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Vol 103, 17 pages
E. Aranda-Escolastico, M. Guinaldo, R. Heradio, J. Chacon, H. Vargas, J. Shanchez, S. Dormido
(2020). Event-based control: A bibliometric analysis of twenty years of research. IEEE Access. Vol 8, 47188-47208
R. Cardenas, P. Arroba, R. Blanco, P. Malagón, J.L. Risco-Martín, J.M. Moya
(2021). Mercury: A modeling, simulation, and optimization framework for data stream-oriented IoT applications. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. Vol 101, 21 pages
D. Chaos, J. Chacon, E. Aranda-Escolástico, S. Dormido
(2020). Robust switched control of an air levitation system with minimum sensing. ISA Transactions. Vol 96, 327-336
C. Guevara, M. Santos
(2020). Surveillance Routing of COVID-19 Infection Spread Using an Intelligent Infectious Diseases Algorithm. IEEE Access. Vol 8, 201925-201936
S. Hinojosa, D. Oliva, E. Cuevas, G. Pajares, D. Zaldivar, M. Perez-Cisneros
(2020). Reducing overlapped pixels: a multi-objective color thresholding approach. Soft Computing. Vol 24, 6787- 6807
J.F. Jimenez, J.M Giron-Sierra
(2020). USV based automatic deployment of booms along quayside mooring ships: Scaled experiments and simulations. Ocean Engineering. Vol 207, 12 pages
R. Naranjo, M. Santos, L. Garmendia
(2020). A convolution-based distance measure for fuzzy singletons and its application in a pattern recognition problem. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. Preprint, 13 pages
J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2020). Exploring Reward Strategies for Wind Turbine Pitch Control by Reinforcement Learning. Applied Sciences. Vol 10 (21), 22 pages
J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2020). Mechatronic Modelling of Industrial AGVs: A Complex System Architecture. Complexity. Vol 2020, 21 pages
J.E. Sierra-García, M. Santos
(2020). Performance Analysis of a Wind Turbine Pitch Neurocontroller with Unsupervised Learning. Complexity. Vol 2020, 13 pages
L. de la Torre, L.T. Neustock, G. Herring, J. Chacon, F. Garcia, L. Hesselink
(2020). Automatic generation and easy deployment of digitized laboratories. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.